Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hello my friends

I wanted to start off by saying
 so much for all your wonderful comments on my last post.
I sure did enjoy reading all your thoughts on
the subject of where you would like to live.


If you have been following me for awhile you probably know I love to take photos of
flowers, birds, bees, plants, trees, you get the idea I'm a bit of a nature freak. 

I'm pretty sure I like taking these types of photos because I love being outdoors and
I love all the natural light the outdoors offers.

Here in Blogland I do enjoy seeing all the beautiful still life photos
 that some of you guys create.  I used to do a bit more
 of the still life type of photos when I lived in a home with better lighting.
 In our little RV the light is not so good.

All that being said I still gave it a try.
When we were in Palm Springs we got to go out and pick a
whole lot of lemons with my hubbies Uncle and Aunt.
We had so many lemons I didn't know what to do with them all.
Of course we made some lemon-ade.

You know with all these lemons I had to take some photos of them.
It was fun playing around trying to get them to look pretty.

It still wasn't the the wonderful light like I used to have.
But with every window open and every light in the RV on,
they turned out alright.

Well a little update for those of you who like to
follow us around... we left Imperial beach and have landed
on a Military Base near Oceanside, California.
Camp Pendleton is a beautiful place to camp for a few days.
We are lucky to have friend who
are retired military who like to share these campsites with us.

Once again Thanks so much my friends
for all your kind comments. You guys are the best.



  1. well, life gave you lemons and you made art. :)

  2. I love this sweet post and your beautiful photographs, and I love that you group them in colors, I love love love your editing skill too, you are awesome!

  3. Your photos always make me :)!!!!!!!!!! Just gorgeous!!!!!!!

  4. I laughed at T's comment. It is so nice to travel vicariously with you!

  5. Yellow is a wonderful colour full of light and sunshine. Great lemony pictures, and you seem to be in a beautiful place again - have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Hello Linda!:) Your photos are not just alright, they are really good. You have a talento for still life photography. I hope you freezed some lemons, for grating in cakes or for chicken.
    Warm Regards.X

  7. Stunning photos. I wish I was sitting on that beach! Enjoy your adventure.

  8. Loved all your pics... especially the 1st one... stunning one!

  9. You never take a bad photo ... I always admire your talent with the camera ... These are stunning! Have a beautiful week

  10. You are not a Nature addict you are a Nature observer and a darn good one at that. Love oh how I love that macro, nothing like a good macro shot to see the details. The lemon shot and the shadows oh love.

  11. What wonderful lemons, Linda, we have a lemon tree and something was always eating off the sweet skin before they got fully ripe, would love to get something fresh! I love the peace and calm of the ocean photo, still cold here, but I am not complaining, could be worse! Have a wonderful time there!Hugs!

  12. Oh Linda your post and photos are like a warm summer day in my cold cold world. Thank you for that. Hug B

  13. I love lemons and your shots make me want to make lemonade! :)

  14. You and me both, I call myself a nature nerd! lol I think your still life photos turned out beautifully, and I especially love that the second shot, the lone lemon and close up of the jar...gorgeous light!

  15. Yes, indeed, I do like to follow you around - especially when you're at the beach! I rarely do still-life photos unless I take a vignette in Nature. Yours are lemony!

  16. Your lemon still life photos are wonderful. There's just something about lemons that makes them photogenic and a favorite subject of artists; like pears and apples. Hmmmm!

  17. Why am I in the mood for lemonade? My friend these are some gorgeous lemon pictures and I do love your tranquil ocean side view. Have a great visit! Hugs!

  18. Hi Linda, looks like you nailed the lighting! The lemons really make me want to bake something...hum...
    Glad you guys are enjoying your California Adventure!

  19. You totally nailed the lighting!!!! Beautiful photos and if you ever make it up LA way....let me know!!!

  20. Your photos ar always a treat Linda!! I love the little still lifes you made with the lemons, each one is delightful!!Looks like you are enjoying your stay and Pendleton, so peaceful!! Have a great weekend my friend :)

  21. Oh, Linda! Your photos are always, always amazing and beautiful... even without the lighting just the way you like it! The beach looks so blissful where you are, and I am smitten with the flower still lifes! And the lemons......oh, you make me wish for lemons with your beautiful shots!!

  22. Beautiful photos, Linda!
    The light looks fabulous, and what refreshing subjects.
    Wonderful to see fresh produce, fresh green leaves.. Our world is very monochrome and dormant during the long winter!

  23. What a great idea, and how are you enjoying the trip? I peeked at the post below...haven't read it all yet.

    Your shots are gorgeous!!

    And lemons...yes it's spring in California, most likely all year round compared to here.


  24. That last, beach photo looks like bliss. Your lemon shots remind me of a still life painting my hubby's grandmother painted for us. I had it hanging in my kitchen, but we took it down when we were planning our move to South Dakota. I need to find a new home for it. Thanks for the inadvertent reminder ;). Be blessed!

  25. What I know about lighting wouldn't fill a thimble, but I've never seen a bad picture from you. Still life or nature, your photos always capture such amazing detail and bring the ordinary up to extraordinary. LOVE me some lemons! LOL Keep enjoying that sunshine. Hugs!

  26. Beautiful photos all around! Those lemons look pretty with that mason jar. I love taking photos outdoors with natural light as well. We don't have the best light in our house so I usually just work outside. But I am inspired to try more indoor photography now!

  27. I think you could be in a pitch black room and your photos would still turn out beautiful. xo

  28. I think all of these are wonderful, Linda, but I especially love the last one. Not only is it beautiful, but iI would SO love to be somewhere that warm right about now!! :-)

    You have a wonderful week ahead, my friend. xo.

  29. Wow you ARE lucky to share those military campsites! You need to check out the one in Destin, Fl! Just Gorgeous! LOVE your flowers and your lemons! FAB photos, Linda!

  30. ohhh you and your journey....what beautiful shots ....ahhhh the beach as we sit here in all this white stuff....the joys of winter in Germany:) Have fun heading up the coast or maybe you are already up there by now. take care,,,,

  31. I think the pictures are wonderful and I'm so happy when you update and I get to see all the wonderful places you've been my friend!! Take care! Hugs

  32. Fab pics as always LInda, you really do seem to be living the dream, I am so happy it worked out to well for you. Thank you for posting and sharing your lovely journey, hugs Gay x

  33. Your yellows make me happy Linda! Reminders of warm sunshine.

    And for my answer on your question below, I would want to live in a bit bigger city than I live in now with warmer weather. Yup...

    Wishing you a most wonderful March my friend!
    xo Catherine

  34. Hi, Linda! Just fabulous - I need some lessons (having so much trouble with lighting)! Such Happy Yellow pictures...

  35. All these photos just make my mouth water! Some day I would like to be an RVer. It has to be a photographers heaven. I know its been a year since your dad passed, are you doing anything special to celebrate him this week? Both our dads are quite old and it's hard to see them change to more childlike.

  36. Enjoy your stay and I am lovin' your lemon still lifes. Just returned from a week in Arizona and it did wonders for my state of mind coming from cold & snowy Chicago.

  37. Great photos and location Linda. Hope you and hubby have been well. xo

  38. Fabulous photos, Linda... LOVE the yellow flowers!!!!!!

  39. Your photos are gorgeous.

  40. Your captures are always a blessing to see!


Thank you so much for stopping by! I enjoy reading
all your comments, They make sooo happy!