How is your weekend going?

People... Do you know what time it is....
I am only on my second cup of Joe for goodness sakes.
I have been enjoying my weekend camping out at the lake..
The weather has been perfect till mid afternoon then I have to
admit it’s a bit to warm for my liking.
Thank goodness we have an air conditioner in our RV.
Yesterday I woke up around 6 in the morning, made my coffee and headed
outside and much to my surprise there was a triathlon going on..
People running, biking, and swimming..
So as I sat and watched, sipping on my coffee thinking....
man do these people have a lot of energy
for this time in the morning..
for this time in the morning..
So I grabbed me another cup and started thinking maybe
I should take some photos to show you!
People... Do you know what time it is....
I am only on my second cup of Joe for goodness sakes.
I was wondering if this guy had done his swim yet!
And does he know there is a chick about to pass him
he better step it up!
I am wore out just watching all these folks out here!
I think I am going to need a nap and its not even 7:00am yet!
I just know this little guy is wondering where the heck did all
these people come from! I know that's what I was thinking.
I had already pre-scheduled my post for this morning but I thought
it would be fun to show you the triathlon photos.
Now on to my already scheduled post..
Over at Beyond Layers, Kim has given us a fun challenge.
Edit a photo 3 different ways.
I have done this before and I always have fun
playing in photoshop!

This photo I played with it in RADLAB then added
a texture to it. So sorry I didn't write down which texture I used.

The photo above I added two different textures.
I love the way this turned out. Almost looks like a painting.
The textures I used were..
Confidence (soft light at 87%) and Trust (soft light at 78%)

This last photo I used no textures just played with it in
I always have fun playing in photoshop.
The only bad thing is the amount of time it takes.
before you know it hours have gone by.. Oh well I guess if I
am enjoying it, that's all that matters.
I do hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much for stopping by..
Hugs, Linda
Linda, I love the photos from the triathlon...what a great tribute to the work and dedication all the athletes do. I admire them for their hard work. The little doggie is cute and I wonder if that man got passed by the girl :) hah! love it...
your photos of the buds are lovely as well!
Love the rose photos, they are suuuuuuuuuper! And as for all those sporty people - I feel tired just looking at the pics, I need an afternoon nap! Hugs, Valerie
my weekend is over and it is back to work today for me (our week starts on sunday) and in fact i just got home after finishign work. funny thing, this time and distance. enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Linda, I like the regularly scheduled portion of your post (gorgeous flowers shots!) as well as the add-on shots of the cyclists. GREAT job photographing those moving targets! And I'd be thinkin' the same as you: hey, it's too early for this much energy.
Enjoy your day!
What a great post Linda, loads of busy energetic people LOL The photographs are brilliant, I know little about editing but I know what I like and the fuzzy pic does look amazing but the original was pretty wonderful too. Have a wonderful day, hugs Gay xxx
Stunning photography Linda, you have a wonderful talent to capture true beauty...Have a lovely Sunday, hugs Joanna xx
Great photos, but of course! How funny to go out in the AM with a cup of coffee and there are all those runners! It became way to hot here yesterday and fried many of my roses and irises :-( The desert, got to love it! Happy Sunday!
Oh my goodness ~ that is a LOT of energy being used for that early in the morning. I would be too lazy even to watch it all ~ haha!
Pretty photos Linda ~ wishing you a happy Sunday!
xo Catherine
Love the early morning photos, Linda. Wow. So many people so early in the morning.
Great photos of the triathlon!! And loving the different effects of your bud!
Wow, what an unexpected surprise you had waiting for you! And what fun to sit and watch while you were sipping your coffee. That's about my speed, too.......sipping coffee while others are killing themselves. ;)
I always love to see your photos. I know nothing about textures and all the fancy things you do. All I ever do is "auto-correct", and I know it shows. But then, I have a super old version of Photoshop, and barely know how to open the program, so I'm happy with what I do accomplish. Love looking at what the pros can do, though. :)
One of my goals was to do a triathlon...but then I figured "WHY????" :) Haha, you to totally cracked me up with your comment about the chick about to pass the dude...too funny!
What fun, I would not even be up that time of morning anywhere, Linda! I am so an afternoon girl! Me and morning do not get along and my cats are almost all in agreement. Your pictures are lovely, when I play in photoshop, I lose all track of time as well! Your photo's always look so professional, mine not so! Glad you are having fun and your weekend is going so well. Enjoy your Sunday!
My bro used to do triatholons...seems crazy to me and I was always amazed how many crazy people participated. I'm fine with sidelines (or staying in bed).
I like each way you processed your image. i should challenge myself to do that.
I giggled right along with you as you watched the triathlon, I'm with you girl on sitting, sipping and thinking about a future nap. Thanks for taking us along on your short trip!!
dang crazy athletic types...
Brilliant photos! Love the commentary. :) The textures on your flowers are beautiful.
I love the edits you did here Linda!
I think the second one is my favorite.
If you get tired of the heat, could you please sned some of it here???? It is so cold here!!!
I enjoyed your edits and looking forward to warmer weather so we can start planting geraniums here.
Hello Linda..Those photos are Great!!! he he ...How funny to go out in the morning with a cuppa and there are all those runners! I love those buds photos...It's Monday here in downunder... Enjoy the rest of the week my friend... HUgs...xoxo
How fun to watch a triathlon in action! I've always wanted to complete one...yes, not compete...just finish one. It's tough though...I hate running and I swim really
Linda, that photo is stunning!!!!
People that do full triathlons are animals. Crazy. Good for you to drink coffee and watch. Sounds like a good plan to me!!!
Again, I love seeing things though your lenses! Thanks for sharing your photos!
Wonderful photos again, thanks for sharing.
Loved your triathalon photos and commentary!! Those altered photos are just amazing! ! TFS!!
I love to watch events like this. Every fall there are teams of college rowers on the river having a race here in Wichita. It's always beautiful weather and the air is so charged with excitement and cheering. It's fun...but not as fun as relaxing with a cup of coffee and a good book. I am more of a quiet-natured person.
Love your photo play today. I think of you every time I tweak a photo now. : )
Sure glad you know what you're talking about with the Photoshop stuff. LOL I'm lucky if I can get my shots to look semi like they do in real life much less do this kind of stuff. Great job on your task and the runners/bikers have WAY too much energy for me. LOL Hugs!
Your 'action' photos are so good, felt like I was there ( not competing of course, just looking ). Wow, love your flowers, I am only just discovering how much fun it is to play with 'editing' ...very basic for me, still have not got my head around day. Your photos are always such an inspiration Linda. xx
Hi Linda, glad you enjoyed your weekend away. Gosh, they do have some energy, I couldn't even run to the end of my street.
Great photo's and love the edited photo, great effects. Btw feel free to Pin my little mouse, I don't mind anybody pinning so help yourself. Deb xxx
Wow some people are really energetic! I think I'd rather sit with you and have a coffee. LOL Looks like you had a wonderful weekend
Hugs Julie P
I wish I had photoshop!!!!! Beautiful photo and love what you can do with it.
Great action shots Linda! Glad you had a nice time at the lake.
Oh that's great seeing the same photo edited in so many ways! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my Texture Tuesday photo.
What a gorgeous photo! I love all your editing. It's so much fun to see what everyone does in Beyond Layers.
I say thats way to much energy for so early in the morn ;) Linda those pics are really wonderful..amazing what you can do to give the pic a totally different look!
Cool photoshop there, I love the different looks each gives.
Fabulous photos my friend ...
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